Installing Cloud-based Product

This article describes how to install a Vitextra product to SharePoint Online environment.



Vitextra SPFx-based products may be installed only on Office 365 (SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams).

Vitextra SPFx products can not be installed on SharePoint on-premise 2016/2019.

Required Permissions

To perform the installation procedure, you must have the Tenant Admin role assigned to you.

Installation package

Download the zip file (*.zip) of the product from the downloads page and unpack it to somewhere on your computer.

Extracted installation package (.sppkg)

Extracted installation package (.sppkg)


From Microsoft 365 admin center} go to SharePoint Admin Center. Go to More Features and click Open button under Apps heading:

SharePoint Admin Center

SharePoint Admin Center

Go to App Catalog

SharePoint Apps Administration

SharePoint Apps Administration

Open Apps for SharePoint and upload the extracted .sppkg file.

Uploading .sppkg file to SharePoint Online

Uploading .sppkg file to SharePoint Online

After uploading the package, SharePoint Online will show you the dialog and ask you to trust the solution.

Deploy confirmation

Deploy confirmation

Once the package is deployed you'll see it in the list of installed client-side packages.

List of installed solutions

List of installed solutions

API Access

Go to API Access section in SharePoint Admin Center to make sure the installed application has the necessary permission to the API. Expand Pending Request heading and approve API access requests.

SharePoint API Access Requests

SharePoint API Access Requests

See Also